Book cover of Soul Survivor by Isobel Lynx featuring an illustrated portrait of a young man surrounded by magical vines
Soul Survivor book cover illustrated by Isobel Lynx

Soul Survivor is a story about a young man grappling with his questionable reality. If ghosts are real, then he has an extraordinary gift. But if they aren’t, then why is he the only one who can see those people?

Set on the backdrop of a picturesque small Adirondack town, this story blends a cozy and intimate read with a gut-wrenching psychological drama. Sprinkled with a healthy dose of speculative elements and a cute romance, this book is ready to suck you in.

Cast Meet and Greet

Featuring drawings by Isobel Lynx

A word from the author

Soul Survivor is a very special book to me and not just because it’s my debut novel. The story idea was born out of the the uneasy thought that if someone had a gift, saw what others didn’t, they could be easily mistaken for being psychotic. If you can’t prove that what you see is real, how do you know that it is? Where is the line between having a gift and being mentally unstable? Who’s qualified to definitively say it’s one way or the other?

For Ian Donovan, this question becomes even more involved because he isn’t a poster boy for perfect mental health either. So, regardless of whether you believe he can see ghosts or not, I think we can all agree that he could use help to work through his issues. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against him. If he admits to seeing things, that could become the focal point of his therapy. And if he seeks the help of a believer, they could dismiss his mental wellbeing.

pencil drawing of a young man
Isobel’s pencil drawing of Ian Donovan

Both issues are tightly intertwined and are a sure recipe for a soul-gripping drama, which is what drew me to write this story.

It’s just |

In the end, Soul Survivor became a lot more than an exploration of Ian’s psyche. It’s a story about finding hope when life doesn’t turn out like we wanted. It’s about the ups and downs of love, coping with grief, juggling family conflicts and responsibilities of adulthood when we’d rather return to the blissful ignorance of childhood. And, of course, it’s about the discovery and acceptance of a supernatural gift.

Finding all the answers isn’t the end of Ian’s journey because it only leads him to the more important question: Now that you know the truth, what will you do about it? Will Ian accept the harsh reality he were given or use his newfound gift to alter it?

What would you do?

forest submerged in fog

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Soul Survivor is only the beginning of the Medium of Eidolon Falls series. Discover delicious trivia and updates on upcoming books.

forest submerged in fog

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forest submerged in fog

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