2020 Writing Goal Tracker

typewriter with hashtag am writing on the page

In January of 2020, I accepted the challenge to set my writing goal for the entire year. In my usual fashion, I went all out and set very ambitious targets. This Goal Tracker keeps track of my progress and keeps me accountable.

My main goal for the year is to write 10,000 words every month. I figured that 120,000 words should help me finish the outstanding WIPs. I hate having so many WIPs. I have ideas for new projects but hold back on them because leaving something unfinished is killing me.

Here are the goals set in January (click on the link to jump to the goal detail).

  1. Main goal for 2020: write 10,000 words and edit 10,000 every month (10/10/12).
    • Year-end status: ✔ goal exceeded though failed in one month.
  2. Complete Open Novella Contest entry (DragonSky).
    • Year-end status: ✔ written and edited in full.
  3. Complete The Merlin Paradox.
    • Year-end status: made major revisions, still ongoing.
  4. Complete Cursed.
    • Year-end status: added a significant chunk of the story, still ongoing.
  5. Complete Hunt for Unseelie Jack.
    • Year-end status: ✔ big story idea merged with another story. This project is likely finished.
  6. Complete The Beast of Knockturn Alley.
    • Year-end status: added a chapter, still onging.

Let’s see how I’m stacking up against this challenge.

Status as of August 2nd, 2020:

I achieved one goal (DragonSky), and made progress in another (The Merlin Paradox), but others beg for more attention. As half of the year had gone by and a lot of the goals are not met yet, I wonder if they’re even achievable.

For November NaNoWriMo, I’m planning to work on Cursed, so that will hopefully take care of that goal.

Can I finish my other WIPs this year as well?

The Merlin Paradox has eaten up a lot of my time. I did not expect it would take me this long to edit it. There’s no end in sight. I might put it aside eventually if I start feeling burnout.

What do you think? Did I overestimate how many stories I can write in a year?

Status as of October 22nd, 2020:

I’ve written a ton this year but hardly any of it was what I planned! That’s alright though. I’m happy with this year’s result. And there are still three more months to go. NaNoWriMo is coming. Let’s top this year!

In other news, I don’t think I’ll keep a detailed goal tracker next year. Having to count those words slows me down. I’ll think of a different way to keep myself on track.

Status of December 31st, 2020. Writing goal recap.

The year had come and gone. Good riddance, 2020. We will not miss you.

As far as reaching goals, it was a successful year. I didn’t finish all the WIPs I’ve wanted to finish, but I’ve made progress in my writing and that matters the most. I’ve learned a lot about the craft too and that’s a worthy achievement.

Next year, I want to set up goals of a different type. I won’t be tracking my monthly word counts anymore because it was a pain and it slowed me down to do so. I already have ideas how else I can motivate myself to stay on track and to keep myself accountable. Considering how many stories I have ongoing and others that are waiting in queue to be written, focusing on one project at a time will be the biggest challenge. Now, if I’ve learned anything about my writing style, it’s that I can’t stay on one project for too long – I burn out and start hating it, so I can’t commit to something as simple as work on one project until completion. But I have a plan.

More on that in 2021 Goal Tracker (read here).

As to this year, along with everyone else, I’m eager to put it behind me. See ya after midnight.

And here is the detail behind each 2020 goal.

2020 MAIN WRITING GOAL: 10/10/12

Every month of this year, write at least ten thousand words and edit at least ten thousand words.

Goal status: missed the “write” goal in one month (May) 🙁 but all other months were very successful and exceeded the goal.

1/11/20 1,599The Gathering 
1/31/2010,58213,364The Merlin Paradox
January totals:10,582  ✅27,602  ✅  
2/29/203605,503The Merlin Paradox
February totals:13,269  ✅ 11,635  ✅
3/31/201,1602,834The Merlin Paradox
March totals:14,933 ✅ 14,445  ✅
4/30/20 7,4149,253The Merlin Paradox
4/30/20 14,77713,816DragonSky
April totals:22,191  ✅23,069  ✅ 
5/31/20285522,336The Merlin Paradox
May totals: 6,868 🙁27,499 ✅
6/30/208,8196,798The Merlin Paradox
6/30/205814The Gathering
June totals:11,206 ✅ 43,566 ✅
7/31/201281112,689The Merlin Paradox
7/31/2095083757Merlin and Lighthouse
7/31/203019The Beast of Knockturn Alley
July totals:25,338 ✅16,446 ✅
8/31/203428Seri’s backstory
8/31/201948The Merlin Paradox
8/31/20532612544The Gathering
August totals:10,702 ✅12,544 ✅
9/23/2089642005Gryffindor at Heart
9/23/20307514737The Gathering
9/30/202595The Gathering
September totals:12,039 ✅19337 ✅
10/22/20400810106The Gathering
10/22/20494+45+469+331494Confession, Gryffindor, blog
10/22/20813The Merlin Paradox
10/22/204162+270+7146710Merlin and Lighthouse
10/31/2012454Arch Nephilim notes
October totals:23,769 ✅17,310 ✅
11/30/2014974Arch Nephilim
11/30/2075371331The Merlin Paradox
11/30/203160The Gathering
November totals:50,286 ✅12,801 ✅
12/20/204524109Jack Frost and the Spirit of Christmas
12/31/2068037476The Merlin Paradox
December totals:10,680 ✅41,534 ✅
2020 TOTALS:WRITTEN: 211,863EDITED: 267,788

Wow. Just wow. I’ve exceeded any expectations I had. I certainly do write a lot.

typewriter with hashtag am writing on the page

Complete Open Novella Contest Entry

Open Novella Contest is an annual Wattpad event with multiple milestones and a final goal of completing a novella (up to 40,000 words). This was my first time participating.

Goal start: January 2nd, 2020.
Status: Not started yet.
Starting Wordcount: 0.

2020 Goals:

  1. Prompts released on February 1st. Chose the prompt on February 2nd. ✔
  2. Story concept.  ✔
  3. Outline.  ✔
  4. Character development.  ✔
  5. Milestones:
    • 2,000 words by February 29th.  ✔
    • 8,000 words by March 28th.  ✔
    • 20,000 words by April 25th. ✔
    • Finish the novella. ✔
  6. Publish edited chapters and submit by May 5th. ✔


Date: February 29th
Progress: Published three chapters and got a few good critiques. Some rewriting will be necessary.
Wordcount: 9,287.

Date: March 26th.
Progress: Five chapters total published. Did major edits to early chapters and some plot changes. About halfway through the plot (maybe more). Camp Nano is coming. I hope it will help motivate me to get a move on.
Wordcount: 19,035.

Date: March 31st.
Progress: Submitted for round 2. The beginning of the finale chapters have begun. Only a few more left.
Wordcount: 23,060.

Date: April 27th.
Progress: All chapters written. 13 chapters published. 3 left to edit.
Wordcount: 30,817.

Date: April 30th.
Progress: Cut down to only 15 chapters. More edits still needed.
Wordcount: 30,904

Date: May 9th.
Progress: Submitted to the ONC. Edited in full. I’ve made it to round 3. Now, we wait.
Wordcount: 30,353.



DragonSky was born from this challenge, a skypunk high-fantasy novella about a winged demon that dreams of freeing the dragons.

I’m happy to report that out of over a thousand entries, DragonSky made the shortlist (73 entries). Sadly, it did not win the contest, but considering the level of talent it competed against, I consider it a great success. I’m very happy that I participated.

Complete The Merlin Paradox

Netherspawn Volume 1: The Merlin Paradox is a science fantasy novel about Merlin, a half-demon, whose attempt at time travel triggers a chain of events that affect not only him but the entire society.

Goal start: January 2nd, 2020.
Status: Rough first draft complete.
Wordcount: 37,234.

2020 Goals:

  1. Raise wordcount to at least 50k. 60k ideally. ✔
    • expand worldbuilding ✔
    • add side characters  ✔
    • deepen main characters ✔
  2. Publish the second draft for critique.


Date: January 31st, 2020.
Wordcount: 47,816 (+10,582)
Progress: New title, new cover, edited, and published up to chapter 7 (around midpoint). Found a deeper theme to expand on, added worldbuilding, started publishing, and got a couple of reviews. ??

Date: February 29th, 2020
Wordcount: 48,176 (+360)
Progress: Edited and published up to chapter 9.

Date: March 31st, 2020
Wordcount: 49,336 (+1,160)
Progress: Edited and published up to chapter 10.

Date: April 30th, 2020
Wordcount: 54,890 (+ 5,554)
Progress: After the first feedback, edited the first 4 chapters. Added a chapter after The Merlinians.

Date: June 30th, 2020
Wordcount: 63,425 (+8,535)
Progress: Edited and added more chapters (up to chapter 14). Major change to chapter one. Also, decided to go back to the beginning and add Tristine’s point of view. 

Date: July 31st, 2020
Wordcount: 73,500 (+10,075)
Progress: Major rewrites. Adding scenes, moving others around. The document is a big mess at the time with some scenes having multiple versions. I keep the hope alive that it’s for the better. Wordcount will drop once I get to editing the entire book.

Date: October 22nd, 2020
Wordcount: 77,807 (4,307)
Progress: I’ve taken a much needed break and gained some perspective. I need to start the story earlier to fully establish the stakes. I’ve also had a brilliant idea for how this series should continue (read about it here). We’re going epic!

Date: December 31st, 2020
Wordcount: 90,262 (+12,455)
Progress: Major revision – the story starts earlier. Up ahead: need to update the written chapters with the changes. The finale will need a complete rewrite. It’s all for the better. I hope.

Complete Cursed

Cursed. Book 2 of The New Order of Merlin series, an epic multi-fandom fanfiction. A mix of magic and myths.

Goal start: January 2nd, 2020.
Current status: Written up to the midpoint. Edited up to end of Act 1. Published partially. 
Current wordcount: 55,605.

2020 Goals:

  1. Complete the full book.
  2. Edit at least 50,000 words. ✔
  3. Publish edited chapters. ✔


Date: Jan 11th
Progress: 12,639 words edited and published.
Wordcount: 56,305. (+700)

Date: December 31st, 2020
Wordcount: 86,182 (+29,877)
Progress: Got past the midpoint, approaching the end of Act 2. The story becomes more epic with every chapter.

Complete Hunt for Unseelie Jack

Hunt for Unseelie Jack, a Carnival Row AU fanfiction, steampunk fantasy with fairies, werewolves, and vigilantes.

Goal start: January 2nd, 2020.
Current status: Written partially.
Current wordcount: 9,111.

2020 Goals:

  1. Revisit story concept and brainstorm. ✔
  2. Complete backstories.
  3. Revise the outline.
  4. Finish the novella.
  5. Publish edited chapters.


Date: October 22nd
Progress: I’ve decided to not continue this story. Instead, I’m going to use the ideas from this story and write something completely new – new characters, new world. The story is not abandoned. Rather, it has gained a new home.

Complete The Beast of Knockturn Alley

The Beast of Knockturn Alley, a Harry Potter werewolf fanfiction.

Goal start: January 2nd, 2020.
Current status: written and published partially. 
Current wordcount: 6,349.

2020 Goals:

  1. Revisit story concept and brainstorm.
  2. Revise the outline.
  3. Finish the novella.
  4. Publish edited chapters.


Date: July 19th, 2020
Progress: Wrote a chapter for a prompt-driven short story challenge. Hopefully can use it to revive this story.
Wordcount: 9,368 (3,019).

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Isobel Lynx

Fantasy author and tech professional that turns her love of myth and magic into unique universes.

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