NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month is a world-wide event run every November. Camp NaNo is held every April and July as an additional challenge for the writers that want to set their own creative goal.
April has come and NaNo muses are searching for a worthy bard. What, oh what will I work on? Here are my intentions for this camp:
- Finish the final chapters of Medium of Eidolon Falls while awaiting the results of the Open Novella Contest. Will this story make it to the third round of the contest?
- If there’s time left, work on Cursed. This book has been in the works for too long and needs to be completed so I can move on.
I’ve set myself a moderate goal of 20,000 words but expect to write more than that. We’ll see how often the muse stops by.
Ready? Set. Go!
April 1st
Written: 1,156 for The Medium of Eidolon Falls.
One cool thing: I fixed a scene that was dragging on. Solution: keep them angry! Woohoo. Now we can finally move on to the grand finale. A seance is on the horizon.
April 2nd
Written: 735
Challenge: This shall be known as the day of the technical difficulties. After many hours of struggles, my iPhone is still dead.
April 3rd
Written: 652
One cool thing: I got started with Act 3 of this book. It’s an exciting start that mirrors the opening scene of Act 1. I’m giddy.
Challenge: Getting ready for Easter = not much time to write. Tomorrow will be even worse. I’ll try to catch little breaks if I can.
April 4th
Written: 805
Easter, technical difficulties, and my damn poison ivy rash were all factors in this being a poor weekend writing-wise. But the holiday’s over, I compromised on exchanging my non-functional phone for an old but working one, I got myself a prescription for the rash, and in the spirit of camp nano, I pushed out some words to meet my daily par. We’re still in business!
April 5th-10th
Written: 1,063+627+628+87+708+735
Trudging on little steps at a time. Very close to finishing this novella.
April 11th – 18th
Written: 279+544+803+907+541
I missed a day of updates and so I won’t be getting the daily badge from the nano site. This demotivated me from updating my wordcount every day. I will keep writing though. There is still enough time left in the month to reach my goal but I have to push hard now.
In other news, I got my COVID vaccine.
One cool thing: while brainstorming how I want this book to end, I’ve attempted to story grid this novella (what’s finished at least). The result is really cool. The goal is to get both lines to reach the +10 territory by the end. Otherwise, it won’t be a fulfilling story (you’ll notice the old title in the graphic).
April 19th to 24th
Written: 676+402+1406
Hitting my lows and stressing over deadlines. In the meantime, the story is taking shape in my head. I’ll finish it eventually, I just don’t know when.
Also, I made it to the next round of ONC, even got on the Ambassador’s Picks reading list. Yay.
April 25th to 30th
Written: 2242+1749+2290+1149+710
Camp NaNoWriMo is done and the goal reached. The last few days I gave it a good push and finally got some traction. This continued for the next couple of days because I had to finish my novella for the contest. By today, IT IS COMPLETE and now comes the painful editing process.
Overall, another successful nano!
Thanks for hanging out with me. See ya on the next writing event.
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