NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month – a world-wide event run every November. Participants challenge themselves to write at least 50,000 words in the span of one month.
This post will contain my writing updates throughout the month.

GOAL: 50,000 words
Projects I might work on this November:
- Arch Nephilim – an exciting brand new project.
- Cursed – book 2 of The New Order of Merlin series (an epic, multi-fandom fanfiction).
- The Merlin Paradox – fully drafted novel that needs scene additions and rewrites (main NaNo 2019 project).
- Merlin and the Flannan Isle Lighthouse Mystery – a novelette in progress.
- Gryffindor at Heart – a fanfiction story in progress (crossover of The Little Mermaid with Harry Potter).

Nov 29-30: 1,159, 3,884
Progress: 50,286. NaNoWriMo goal met!!!
Finally, nano goal met with only 30 minutes to spare. Cutting it close! Cursed is not finished yet, sadly, but I’m happy with the progress. The majority of the book is written. The last scenes I was writing were of Bad guys closing in variety. I’m close to the end of act 2.
I rewrote some scenes and found where prewritten bits should go. They’re flowing much better now. I’ve found opportunities for important little moments. It’s all about those moments.
One cool thing: I love cliffhangers. I can’t get enough of them, and I found an opportunity here. Readers have had a few cliffhangers by now which all had the potential to end badly but ended fine. This is a delicious set up. Readers by now will expect things to turn out fine, so when the next cliffhanger does not have a happy ending = INSTANT TENSION.
Challenge: I was so tempted to give up and just watch some TV, you have no idea. Thankfully, I didn’t succumb.
Nov 24-28: 1,387, 758, 260, 988, 1,407
Progress: 45,243
It’s been a very bad week writing-wise. Life was getting in the way. But there are two days left and this is still doable. Failure is not an option!!!
Nov 23: 1,027
Progress: 40,443
Milestone barely achieved. Still slow. 10,000 in a week is doable but not at the rate I’m going right now. I think the only way to win this will be to write all new scenes, not worry about order or if they make any sense with each other.
I’m about to make this messy document even worse. All in the name of nano.
Nov 19-22: 1,125, 1,012, 379, 1,529.
Progress: 39,416
Challenge: I’ve hit a considerable slump. I need a break from writing, but I can’t rest until I get to 50k, so I’m making myself write. I worry about the quality though when it’s so forced.
One cool thing: I’ve fixed some mood/attitude in Merlin’s scenes. I feel better about them now.
Dumbledore smiled in relief while Snape looked like a toddler whose toy was given to another.
Chapter 16(?), Cursed, The NOOM Book 2
Nov 18: 2,987
Progress: 35,371
I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of things. It took a while, but I’ve still got it. Here comes an epic story!
One cool thing: I wrote out the scene where we see a boggart take on Merlin’s worst fear. Not a fun scene for Merlin, but damn, a fun scene to write.
Nov 17th: 2,218
Progress: 32,384
Slowly chugging along. I’m getting to the midpoint with a few subplots already. I’m going to ensure it’s all nice and tight and then it’s time to crank up the action.
Challenge: For the first time, I tried to get into Harry Potter’s point of view. He’s a guest pov in this book. This might be the only chapter with him (but who knows). I’m going to have to go through it later to make it more distinct. We’ll see how it goes.
One cool thing: Professor Trelawney spewing prophecies.
Nov 16th: 1,570
Progress: 30,166
Milestone, baby! I didn’t get to write as much as I wanted. A tiny bit at a time. I made some cool little revisions. It’s starting to come together.
Nov 15th: 2,451
Progress: 28,596
I’ve found some more time to write today but had to spend a big chunk of it planning. I’ve had 3 bad days in the past week. I’ve made up for only one. I’ll try to squeeze more words out tonight still.
Nov 13th and 14th: 261 and 323
Progress: 26,145
I’ve been pretty busy and barely found a moment to write. I’m going to have to make up for it.
Nov 12th: 1,497
Progress: 25,561. We’re halfway there!
A lot has happened in this book so far (see the list in yesterday’s post). So today, I wrote a calmer chapter where no big plot twists are happening, to let the characters (and the readers) catch up with all the craziness that’s happened so far and reflect a bit. This led me to a few unexpected revelations. One is a delicious irony and another ended up being the closing line in the chapter:
If Merlin was blessed by the gods, Potter had to have been cursed.
Chapter 15(?), Cursed, The NOOM Book 2
It might not mean much to you since you don’t get the context, but it’s so freaking poetic since Cursed also happens to be the name of this book. There are several types of curses that the title refers to. It’s nice to finally bring one up.
One cool thing: MILESTONE, BABY!
Challenge: This document is a mess. Sigh. I spend more time trying to make sense of my old notes than actually writing. I have faith that in the end, it will all work out.
Nov 11th: 1,573
Transition to Cursed.
Progress: 24,064
I’ve forgotten how EPIC Cursed is. I’ve read all the finished chapters and am now combing through the partially written scenes, trying to order them and fill in the gaps. I am psyched! We’ve got dragons, converting memories into illusions, playing Quidditch, causing magical mayhem in attempt to crack Hogwarts’ secrets. We’ve got family drama, preteen crushes, werewolf that’s trying to be good but keeps making bad choices, good guys turning bad but for the good reasons, enemies starting to respect each other, mind manipulation and growing new powers (for all 3 main characters). I’ve probably left out a few subplots. And I’ve only gotten started with act 2. Ha! I love this story.
Nov 10th: 656
Progress: 22,491
I’ve fixed the scenes that worried me yesterday. And I’m afraid that’s all the “easy” writing for The Merlin Paradox I had. The next step to be done on this book will involve a lot of editing before I can get to the writing part. So this isn’t a good nano project anymore. It’s time to switch.
Challenge: choosing which project. I’m going through the others right now and hope to make the final decision tonight, so that tomorrow I can get started on it and make up for the poor numbers of the last few days.
One cool thing: It’s satisfying to know that The Merlin Paradox is now in better shape. I’ve fixed a lot that needed to be done – the missing setup and incomplete character arcs. I’m happy.
Nov 9th: 1,620
Progress: 21,835
I did some brainstorming and plotting today. I think I’ve finally found the missing set up. But there’s a scene missing, it’s a point of view imbalance. Not sure how to fill it in. We’ll see if tomorrow I get any brilliant ideas.
Challenge: I’m approaching the point when I might have to make painful cuts. I don’t know. We’ll see.
One cool thing: I’ve wanted to have some tangible symbol, a mark of a theme in this book, something that can be shown and held. I’ve finally found it. Merlin’s journal! I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before. I already had his journal in the first draft – and it even played an important role. Ha! I like it when things come together.
Favorite line:
Perhaps a life of truth would have been happier than a life of lie.
Chapter 4, Second draft of The Merlin Paradox
Nov 8th: 1,630
Progress: 20,215
Challenge: Weekends are tough. While I’m not working, there’s always something to be done, so I can never write as much as I want to. I’m exhausted. But I was determined to break the next milestone, so I pushed through.
One cool thing: Another cool milestone! Just 5k more, and I’ll be halfway into the goal! I was writing in Seri’s point of view and awww, I forgot how adorable being in his head is.
Favorite line:
Agatte’s strict rules stemmed from one core reason — he wasn’t supposed to let people see him. So if he wasn’t seen, he wouldn’t be breaking the rules, right?
Chapter 3, Second draft of The Merlin Paradox
Nov 7th: 2,639
Progress: 18,585.
It was a good call to switch to The Merlin Paradox. I finished a chapter that was waiting for it (it is now the brand new first chapter), and finished another new chapter. There are a couple more scenes I have in mind for this book which will likely last me for a couple of days. Then, I’ll have to switch again.
Challenge: Keeping track of nano words is not so easy now that I’ve got multiple documents. Now I gotta math.
One cool thing: I did the unthinkable, I edited! Gasp. No, not during nano! Yes, I did and I’m not sorry because now I’ve got a nicely polished chapter one.
Favorite line:
What’s the worst that could happen?
Chapter 1. Second draft of The Merlin Paradox
Hehe. Isn’t that the question.
Nov 6th: 3,372
Transition to The Merlin Paradox.
Progress: 15,946. Milestone, baby!
Challenge: I’ve started rewriting the same scenes of Arch Nephilim several times because I thought of better ways of doing them, and I think I’ve finally finished Act 1. I sat down to start Act 2 and realized I had no idea what to write. I need to give it some brainstorming. In the meantime, the nano clock is ticking and writing needs to get done. So I sat down and started a scene in the Merlin Paradox. And it went beautifully smoothly, helping me break the milestone!
One cool thing: milestone baby! Milestones are cool as they help motivate me. Let’s break 20k this weekend!
Nov 5th: 1,740 words.
Progress: 11,774. total. Chapter 5 finished (debate) though big chunks will likely need rewriting. I don’t feel 100% confident with this debate.
Challenge and one cool thing in one: Rough day at work. It put me in a foul mood, which luckily coincided with Parison’s mood (she’s just been blackmailed – she’s pissed off). Result? Swearing angels. How do angels swear? I’m glad you asked:
Favorite lines:
“That ungrateful, selfish, putrid maggot!” Parison cried into her pillow. “I saved him, Piggin! I saved that ulcerous skiver, and that’s how he thanks me!”
Chapter 5, First draft of Arch Nephilim
And one more angel cussing for the road:
There was no calming this clusterturd.
Nov 4th: 3,610 words
Progress: 10,034. Finished chapters 3 and 4.
I wrote a cool scene that explored one of the levels of the Silver Tower. Parison got a fabulous makeover. I got to use that cool trick where you use a chatty character to sneak in info dumps. Chatty characters are awesome. hehe. I also got to the Catalyst of the story. Oh, girl. Parison is in a pickle now. Debate is coming next. We’ll see how she handles that.
Challenge: staying focused and writing for a longer period of time. When I sit down, words happen, but it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose track of time.
One cool thing: I had fun writing a flamboyant older angel character. I hope I’ll have a reason to bring him back later.
Favorite line:
She stopped in front of Platinel’s Plump Plumage Pluckers, staring at a large door sign that said “Angels only.”
Chapter 3, First draft of Arch Nephilim
Nov 3rd: 344 words
It was a busy day, with work eating up most of my day. And elections. Such drama.
Nov 2nd: 3,662 words
Progress: 6,080 words for Arch Nephilim. Chapter 2 finished.
I’m starting to get the hang of this book. I’m going into each chapter with the fear that I don’t know how to write it, but thankfully words happen. I’ve already gotten to the Inciting Incident, which is really cool. (hint: Parison’s life is about to be flipped upside down)
Challenge: It took me several tries to get this word count. I was off work today, so I was hoping I would write more, but I found myself needing breaks. When resting, I tend to daydream scenes from my books. Recently, I’ve been daydreaming about characters from The Merlin Paradox, and not even in their timeline, but scenes that would’ve happened in the sequel that’s not written yet. So yeah, I need to get myself to daydream Arch Nephilim to fully get my head into this book.
One cool thing: I got to use ferret legging in this chapter. It’s a sport where men put ferrets in their trousers and wait to see who can withstand the pain longest. PS: I did not invent this sport.
Favorite line:
One of the men finally couldn’t take it and stripped off his trousers to release the ferrets, getting a round of laughs from the crowd.
Chapter 2, First draft of Arch Nephilim
Nov 1st: 2,418 words
Starting Arch Nephilim.
Starting word count: 0 words.
Progress: 2418 words. Chapter 1 finished plus a snippet of a later chapter.
I started my brand new book Arch Nephilim (read about it here), a story of a nephilim that is forced to attend a school for archangels. Sounds fun, right? It’s an ambitious project that I have high hopes for. I should say “another” ambitious project. It seems like they all are.
Challenge: I got the idea for this book just last month, so I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. I can feel it now that I’m trying to get my head into this world, and it’s a struggle. I hope that as I go along, I’ll get to know my characters and words will flow freely.
One cool thing: I got to write a scene from the point of view of Piggin, the winged sand ferret. Yes. Ferret point of view. Yes. I’m that crazy. I regret nothing. Piggin is fun to write. As I’ve learned today, she’s apparently easily offended, easily distracted, and is very protective of her special angel (Parison, the nephilim).
Favorite line:
“You’d make a cute pet if only you smelled better.”
Chapter 1, First draft of Arch Nephilim.
Oct 22
It’s hard to believe that November is almost here. This is my second NaNoWriMo. I did very well during the first (see the journal here). I do not feel ready at all, but once that starting shot is fired, I will run.
The funny part is that I’ve been writing or editing nearly every day this year (check out my 2020 goal tracker, where I’ve been marking my progress), so it should be a walk in the park, but instead of a walk, November is a marathon.
Projects that might get written this November:
- Arch Nephilim – a brand new project – still prepping.
- Cursed – book 2 of The New Order of Merlin series (an epic, multi-fandom fanfiction).
- The Merlin Paradox – fully drafted book that needs scene additions and rewrites (main NaNo 2019 project).
- Merlin and the Flannan Isle Lighthouse Mystery – a novelette currently in progress.
- Gryffindor at Heart – a fanfiction story in progress (crossover of The Little Mermaid with Harry Potter).
I’ve got plenty to write. How much of which story will get written will all depend on whatever goes smoothest. 1, 3, and 4 are freshest on my mind right now, so I predict that they will be my starting point. I’d love to make progress on 2 though because readers have been begging me to resume posting chapters, and I hate disappointing them. They’ve been waiting a year. Imagine that. They’re rereading the first book and still enjoying it. It warms my heart. And this is why I love writing fanfiction – for the connection with the fanfic community. But, while I love fanfiction, I also love writing my original stories and hope to be able to publish them eventually. So I try to weigh those two goals. In the end, I will write what wants to get written. If I get stuck, I’ll switch projects. At least I don’t have a shortage of projects to choose from.
It’s 2020, and I still can’t write multiple books at once.
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