I have ambitious goals for 2024. With plans for book releases, cover designs, and ongoing drafting and editing, I anticipate an eventful and productive year ahead.
The art of writing
Writing tips, author updates.
Why I’m publishing my debut novel on Campfire
I describe my experience of publishing my debut book, Soul Survivor, on Campfire. Let's talk about creative control, a new way to enjoy reading, and the future of publishing.
Starting my word-to-audio journey
I plan to record my books and publish them as a narrative fiction podcast, but there's a long road ahead of me. Join me on this journey as I try...
Campfire Writing App Hack: How to list word count per chapter
Next in the Campfire tips and tricks series, I give you a step by step guide to using an existing tool to view word count totals broken down per chapter
2023 Writing Goal Tracker: Writing Smart
This year's writing goal is to become a smarter, more efficient writer. This post will be updated throughout the year as I make progress on my goal.
I’m writing a trilogy
Sometimes you might be sitting on a trilogy without even knowing it. I've had a great revelation about The Merlin Paradox that I'd like to share.
The art of life
Life, work, play, and everything else.
2025 Goals: Finally, A Writing Goal That Fits My Life
In 2025, I plan to shift focus from result-based writing goals to optimizing my time and capturing maximum creativity, addressing challenges like limited free time, burnout, and guilt. Join me...
How I turned a marker drawing into an illustrated book cover art
I share my journey of transforming a marker drawing into polished book cover art. Artistic skills can be developed through persistence and editing. Join me as I discuss challenges I...
Pencil Sketches to Marker Illustration. How I Upgraded My Drawing Skill in Weeks
I rediscovered my passion for drawing, but using a pencil wasn’t enough. I started learning marker illustration and my hard work is paying off.
Waking from a trippy dream only to find you’re still dreaming
Another crazy dream of horses, sharks, tsunamis, and text messages from Karen.
Dream journal: Lucid Dream of astral projection and cats multiplied
Lucid dreams sound great in theory but not when they get this freaky.
New project: Arch Nephilim
An exciting new project is about to join the Netherspawn universe.
Magitech as a service
Tech tips, tutorials, solving ungoogleable problems, infosec articles.
Bloggers beware! Comment spam is getting… nicer?
Comment spam has developed a new and unexpected trend: flattery. Oh, my. We’re in trouble.
Quick hack to resize a WordPress GIF block
You finish writing your post and dress it up with the perfect GIF only to find that you can't control its unnatural size. This hack lets you resize your GIF...
How to find a missing module on Campfire app
Brief tutorial explaining how to enable hidden modules within Campfire writing app.
Can you add a secondary axis to Google Sheets Chart?
Need an extra axis? Learn how to use features of Google Sheets chart to add valuable data to your graphic.
5 most popular Coronavirus scams of 2020
2020 was a year of opportunity for scammers worldwide.
When Time Machine can’t find Destination of a newly installed internal hard drive
Helpful tutorial about installing a new internal hard drive on your MacBook Pro.